The Times They Are a-Changin’

TBob Dylan’s The Times They Are a-Changin’ held appeal to the masses and launched the poet to stardom. With it’s hand on the pulse of the nation with in the words of Digital Mediaiststripped of most specificity,” Times stands today among the greatest songs of all time.

“Everybody has a story too tell.” Storydame wants to be that voice in the vast sea of life experience that cries out in support of the true life story of everyman – the ordinary, typical, average person.

Do you have to be a celebrity to have a story worth telling? No! Are our experiences so vastly different? No, find your common theme and your story will, like Dylan’s song, resonate through universality.

What is the universal theme of your story?

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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4 thoughts on “The Times They Are a-Changin’

  1. Happy to have made it in here … very cool blog and post. I was just talking about Dylan on a different A-Zer’s blog, discussing the lyrics, as in the need to watch the change and be ready to do something about it.

    The universal theme to my story — honesty, I hope. More and more I find that if I can open up fully and honestly, the story will resonate. Otherwise, it’ll be a bunch of words, like many other.
    Thanks for the great post.
    Silvia @

  2. I just realized you’ve been doing the whole A to Z blog and I could have enjoyed this everyday. This is great. Much reading I can catch up on.

    Great point here about finding the universal. Thanks.

    • Don’t know how you have time to read anything with the time you’re devoting to “camp.” Always put your own writing first, friend!