Dallas Buyers Club

A second film identified in StoryDame’s examination of the life story film in Is your story “award” material? is Dallas Buyers Club.

Key to good health. ©istockphoto.com/autorock

Key to good health. ©istockphoto.com/autorock

Dallas Buyers Club is the story of Ron Woodroof, a Dallas electrician and rodeo enthusiast who is diagnosed with HIV in 1985 and given thirty days to live. His story is a great example of what I call the “bad medical news” story. Since Woodroof didn’t tell his own story, I’m going to compare it to one by another Texan who told her story in Healed of Cancer. In 1981 Dodie Osteen, wife of John Osteen pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, was diagnosed with metastatic cancer of the liver and given only a few weeks to live. “What on earth connects a man with HIV and a pastor’s wife in your mind?” you may be wondering. The link comes through Kay Warren’s work with Saddleback Church’s HIV+AIDS Initiative.

Fight. Neither Osteen nor Woodroof followed the advice Woodroof was given by doctors in the film, “Go home and get your affairs in order.” Neither was going to give in that easily. Woodroof, apparently not eligible for the AZT trial at a local hospital, initially tried illegally obtained AZT. Osteen turned down exploratory surgery, a colonoscopy and chemo. She went home where she “realized that faith for my healing was a personal matter between me and Jesus.”

Expect criticism. Woodroof lost his friends when he announced he was HIV positive and had AIDS. Hurtful comments Osteen faced from within the body of faith led her to challenge us not to “be critical of people unless you walk in their shoes.”

Persist. Is battling for your life easy? No. This is no five-minute fight. According to Dallas Buyers Club, Woodroof made several trips back to the hospital. When AZT was no longer available illegally locally, he turned to Mexico where opinion of AZT wasn’t high. He abandoned it for drugs available in Mexico – vitamins, ddC and the peptide T – not approved for use in the United States.

Osteen’s battle was against fear. As a registered nurse, she fully understood what the doctors told her as well as how her body should function. She sought prayer of others and relied on God through his word and her own prayer. From the minute she received a promise of healing from the Bible, her husband and children treated her as if she were well.

Give. As Woodroof improved he began to sell the drugs obtained in Mexico to others with HIV. Eventually he started the Dallas Buyers Club. The drugs were given free to anyone for a monthly membership of $400. Word spread and he was shut down by the FDA and fined by local law enforcement. In 1987 he filed an unsuccessful lawsuit against the FDA seeking the right to take peptide T. The FDA later allowed him personal use of the drug.

In 1986, Osteen shared her experience, 40 scriptures to which she clung and physicians statements in her book, Healed of Cancer.

Dare to live is the tagline of Dallas Buyers Club and live he did. Woodroff expanded the 30 days doctors gave him into seven years.

Osteen is still alive today.

Spilled secret

Ask just about anyone where they were on 9/11, the day of the 2001 terrorist attack on the United States, and you are certain to get a quick, detailed response. Ask Americans alive on November 22, 1962, the day President John F. Kennedy was shot, where they were on that day and though it was fifty years ago you get just as quick and detailed responses.

Silent please. ©iStockphoto.com/oscarcalero

Silent please. ©iStockphoto.com/oscarcalero

After watching As It Happened: JFK 50 Years on November 16, 2013, I asked Facebook friends a question: “Were you alive? If so, do you remember where you were when you heard?”

What followed was a flood of interestingly insightful responses. Many were by friends who were with me in Mrs. Whittington’s 6th grade class at Oaklawn Elementary in Hot Springs, Arkansas, that day. The most personally interesting was from the friend reminding me I had attended her birthday bunking party that night.

As interesting as my friends’ “day Kennedy was shot” memories were, they pale in comparison to those by former Kennedy White House Press Office intern Mimi Alford’s. Alford, then Mimi Beardsley, followed the nationally traumatic event with her fiancé Tony that night on television at the Connecticut home of his staunch Republican parents. As Mimi and Tony watched constant repeats of footage of President’s and Mrs. Kennedy arriving in Dallas, then leaving in the motorcade, Mimi broke down and told her fiancé why she was so devastated. This was the first time Mimi shared her “secret” affair with President John F. Kennedy with anyone. Tony made her promise not to tell another soul, a promise she kept over the years for the most part.

According to her 2012 book, Once Upon a Secret: My Affair with President John F. Kennedy and Its Aftermath, Marion “Mimi” Beardsley, was a nineteen-year-old virgin when she arrived at the White House in 1962. Days later she was introduced to the president at a White House pool swimming party. The consensual affair started later that day in the President’s quarters. Though she returned to college that fall, Alford continued to live the double life of Wheaton College coed in Massachusetts and JFK paramour even after she met and became engaged to her future husband.

While Mimi shared her secret with her fiancé that fateful day, only a few others would know until just before the story broke in 2003. With media revelation impending, Mimi called to spill her secret to her grown daughters. The next day Mimi drafted a statement for the media stating her involvement with Kennedy and her 41 years of silence about it.

“What did it do to you to hide the truth for so long?” Mimi’s daughter Jenny asked.

It’s a key question in light of Alcoholics Anonymous thought that, “You’re only as sick as your secrets.” Mimi’s secret, she says, caused her to shut down emotionally for much of her life.

While told long after most other participants are dead and viewed by some as short-sided (one writer sought more information about first husband Tony), Mimi Alford’s account prompts key inspirational questions for the teller of life stories. Do I have a secret? Should I tell it? If so, to whom and when?